Fort de notre expérience en déploiment des solutions de collaboration CISCO, nous vous proposons des formations haut de gamme, souples et personnalisées dans des formats variés, illustrées par des travaux pratiques grâce à notre Lab Snapcom unique en France

Deploying Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Software

Référence :


Cible :

Cisco Unified Communications system channel partners and resellers / System engineers / Customers deploying and maintaining Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise products

Objectif(s) :

After you complete this course you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an overall understanding of the Cisco Unified CCE system, processes, and its environment.
  • Install and configure a Cisco Unified CCE system Create routing options using an external SQL database and an Application Gateway.
  • Install and configure Cisco Outbound Option.
  • Install and utilize Cisco Support Tools, Cisco Analysis Manager, and Cisco Unified Intelligence Center.

Pré-requis :

Attendees should meet the following prerequisites:

  • Strong knowledge of Microsoft Windows Server 2003 and Active Directory
  • Administering Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise v1.0

Contenu :

Deploying Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise (DUCCE) is a 5-day instructor-led course presented by training partners to system engineers and customers who will be involved with day-to-day interaction with the Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise (CCE) product. This course will give you an understanding of the Cisco Unified CCE deployment capabilities, processes, fault tolerance, installation, and basic troubleshooting. You will accomplish this by installing the Cisco Unified CCE software and introducing Cisco Unified CCE troubleshooting tools.

Prix :

3720 €

Prochaines dates :

Aucune session disponible pour le moment, pour toute demande merci de nous contacter

Demande d'inscription

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